Use Link+
Click the image above to search the Link+ Catalog.
What is LINK+?
LINK+ is a consortium of more than 60 public and academic libraries in California and Nevada that enables patrons to search its catalog and borrow member libraries’ books and media.
How do I use LINK+
If a book is unavailable at the Alameda Free Library System, you can request it from another LINK+ member library catalog and borrow member libraries’ books and media.
What does the new service cost?
The service to use is free. However, since we are borrowing materials from other libraries there will be a cost of $115 to replace the material if it is damaged or lost.
How many LINK+ items can I borrow?
You may have a total of 10 LINK+ items including up to 5 Link+ media (DVDs, CDs) out at one time. Once you have hit the max amount you will no longer be able to place LINK+ requests or check out LINK+ materials until you get under the item limit. The Alameda Free Library system allows you to check out 50 items at one time, this includes the 10 item limit for LINK+.
How long does it take for LINK+ requests to arrive?
Most items are received 4-7 days after the request is placed.
How long do I have to pick up the materials once they arrive?
You have 7 days to pick up the item.
How long can I borrow LINK+ items?
Link+ items are checked out for 21 days with the possibility of one renewal.
How do I know when my LINK+ requests arrive at the library?
The library will call or email you when your item arrives. Once a LINK+ requested item ships, you can track the request when you log into your Library account.
Can I renew the items?
Link+ items are checked out for 21 days with the possibility of one renewal. You can renew items when you log into your Library account.
What are the fees for lost, or damaged items?
The charge is $115 per item if you lose or damage a LINK+ book. Customers who lose a LINK+ item should contact the LINK+ coordinator at 510-747-7743 or email at
How do I request an item from LINK+?
- If you can’t find the item from the Alameda Free Library catalog, click on LINK+ from our web catalog. You can also access the LINK+ catalog directly at
- Enter your search. When you locate the item in the LINK+ catalog, click the “Request” button.
- You will be asked, “With which institution are you affiliated? Click the down arrow, select “Alameda Free Library”, and click the submit button.
- Enter your name (first and last), your library card number and your PIN. Your PIN by default is the last four digits of your phone number on file.
- Select your pick-up location. You will see a confirmation message that your request was placed.
How can I check the status of my LINK+ request?
How do I cancel a LINK+ request?
You can only cancel items online if the status of the item is Active. Contact 510-747-7740 if you wish to cancel a request that has been Shipped or Received.
• Log in to your library account.
• Click on “Requests”
• Click on the “Cancel” button to activate the cancellation.